Of Clearing School and Befriending Bata Ngomas

Yes,it’s the harsh reality. I’m just from laughing my barely existing ass off when one of my high scholl friends joked on our whatsapp group that she dawned on rubber shoes to make it in the cruel job search journey. I didn’t laugh because it was funny but because I felt myself in her words.
I personally don’t know where to start,all I’ve done is sit in the comfort of my bed and send out a few CV’s to here and there. Now I think I’ll sacrifice that 399 bob head to Bata get a well fitting pair of black rubber shoes (I can always polish them once they start “beating”) and hit the road…office to office,door to door until I get myself some job.
For those of you who are in my shoes,rubber shoes, don’t give up. I’ve seen people give up just as they were about to get to the gold. Our rubber shoes may wear out but at the end of it all lies our success in wait.
Don’t give up.
So help me God.

Why I Would Never Marry A Woman

I’m lost for words on this one. Honestly.

A Buick in the Land of Lexus


I don’t care if they legalize gay marriage throughout the galaxy, two women together is an anathema.

It’s no secret that I was seriously involved with two in my lifetime:

Debby, who I met when I was a phone girl in a whore house, and Nicolette, my beautiful, impossibly bitchy lesbian girlfriend.

For the record, I don’t identify as bisexual, or pan sexual, (someone sexually attracted to pancakes) or gender fluid, (like transmission fluid, only more difficult to find at Home Depot) or polysexual, or any of that crap.

If I had to say which gender I’ve been in love with and had relationships with more, it would be men. But my attraction to women has existed for as long as my sexuality has.

When I fall in love, or lust, I don’t hold anyone’s gender against them.


Well. Actually, when possible, I try to avoid falling in love with women…

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No Ordinary

There’s this statement I’ve been hearing so much off late…”I don’t get you”,”you changed”,”I don’t know who you are anymore”…
I’m tempted to lash back with a I-don’t-know-who-I-am-too reply you know,just to piss off the other party.

It wasn’t me who said a change is as good as a rest but I am saying it now,yes,a change is as good as a rest. You don’t think so? Mmmh-h what I’m trying to say is normal is boring,sanity is monotonous…we all have to go out there and be crazy once in a while.

I love crazy,I love weird,I love spontaneity, I love not being normal and boring and all that normal stuff. Being ordinary is an option I’m not choosing.
